so there's this thing that people like to call Love. what is it? does anyone actually, really, truly know? those who claim to have it are divorced a few years later and those who claim to have never felt it ache to think of the one they had. is that Love? to long and ache and cry and miss someone? i don't think it is. Love is beautiful and Love is kind and Love is.... well, indescribable. these days people use the word Love as a substitution for almost everything. "i Love tacos!" "i Love muffins!" "i Love Mariokart!"
but do they really mean it like the way the word was meant to be used? i say no. of course most people would say no as well but then they'll turn around and say "i Love going to allstar sports."
i say we should all sit down and think of the word Love. think of the one person you've always wanted to say it to. and then realize, maybe the word should be more respected.
let's all go to bed tonight thinking of Love.
So very true. But know that I really and truly mean it when I say "I Love you." (platonically)