Monday, September 26, 2011

Joplin, Missouri

this Saturday i took a charter bus to go to Joplin to help people who are still helpless. it was actually really lame. we didn't actually do anything. instead of tearing down a house, or building a house, or painting something for heavens sake! we helped no one. we raked dead grass and put it in bags even though they're gonna tear up the high school and make it all dirty again anyway. pointless much? i wanted to help people. bleh, oh well.
they're gonna go on another trip and i think i'm gonna go too, we met a contractor who's been there for 4 months from Philadelphia and he needs some help to frame houses and i'm overjoyed because one, i know how to do that. and two, that's actually helping someone, god forbid we actually help someone!
it's actually really crazy to drive through Joplin and see what the tornado did. there's literally this mile wide dent in the middle of the town. and the high school is cratered in, i have pictures but i don't know how to load them on here yet. maybe i will later. anyway, i'd never seen the after-effects of a tornado before and it was daunting. one of my friends put it perfectly "it looks like a post-apocalyptic movie." and that's exactly what it looks like. the hospital and high school look like they were ripped open and a zombie could jump out at any moment. it was poetic in a tragic way. to think of the 161 people who died is so sad. but to think of how many survived is a miracle.

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