Friday, September 30, 2011

Soap Box

for my composition one informative essay we're supposed to write about our favourite thing to talk about so i'm writing a paper entitled "Myths and Misconceptions about the Catholic Faith". she told me not to do it because there's no way to prove any of my points as facts. so i'm determined to prove her wrong an write the greatest paper of all time. here's the opening paragraph to my paper.

My aim is not to convert, nor is it to blame. My aim is simply to educate, to put an end to ignorance. I have been attacked, yelled at, put down, for my faith because people think that they understand what I believe when in reality these are simply prejudices passed down from generation to generation against myself and my people. Some of these prejudices are grounded in reality, and some simply are not. I wish for my readers to understand the difference between reality and indifference. 


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